Thursday, March 29, 2007

cycle 8: episode 6

(sorry) Late posting (again)
One word - Migraines.

So, that conversation that Natasha had with her husband, Stuart, was kind of creepy when she started purring and growling at him. I mean, it wasn’t just the accent. Was it? Who was the “baby” she was cooing at? Was that a cat or an actual human baby? “Ooooo Baby, it’s your momma. Oh baby.”
Who baby, what?

Cathy Gould, Managing Director of Elite Model Management and Elite Model Claudia Mason greet the model in the ubiquitous warehouse where they must dress in outfits provided for them. Then, *surprise*, they were being shown what NOT to wear. Cathy & Claudia had them pull some switcheroos and exchange parts of their outfits with one another until they had the “right” look. Natasha, bless her heart, insists that her janked outfit was fabulous but it showed she can wear anything and make it look good and you should never criticize the client’s product.

Do you honestly think there’s ever going to be a plus-size model on the cover of Vogue?
– Renee to Whitney

Dear Ms. Nasty Prissy Pants,
1. Models aren’t on the cover of Vogue now-a-days. Celebs are.

It’s time for The Challenge and the girls arrive in…a…Sears…warehouse? Sears? Seriously? In the middle of room are two human mannequins, the identical Zarian Twins. Or Zarian2 (Zarian Squared). Hey, it’s their moniker. I didn’t come up with it. I kinda think I want The Aswirl Twins back.

Zarian2 splits the girls into groups of three…

Dionne/Sarah/Renee and Natasha/Whitney/Jael and Jaslene/Brittany/Diana

…And they are given twenty minutes to put together a display with props and wardrobe (from…Sears). In the Dionne/Sarah/Renee group Sarah spends time putting together the props, because you know she’s a photog and has an eye for it. And Dionne does most of the clothes gathering. Stay tuned.

Time is called and Natasha whispers, “Wheeetneeey, yourrr suh’post to be on the pO-de-em.” However, Whitney dismisses Natasha like she’s trying to get a piece of hair out of her eyes. Zarian2 inform Whitney that her group had the best display and she would have won the prize. But the rules stated that Natasha was right. So, the by-default winner was Sarah. Which burned Dionne’s bottom because she picked out Sarah’s clothes. The look on Dionne’s face…photo worthy.

Natasha is the used car salesman of America’s Next Top Model. – Sarah

Prior to the photo shoot Natasha is shown lying on her bed studying magazines and poses with great intent.The girls learn they will be posed in drag with drag queens.

Jaslene – Nautical couple
Brittany – Outdoorsy couple
Renee – Glam Rock couple
Jael – Bohemian couple
Dionne – Power couple
Sarah – Rocker couple
Diana – Red Carpet couple“Diana, she [drag queen partner] is out shining you.” – Mr. Jay

“What do you mean?” – Diana

Air can be heard escaping from Diana’s left ear.

“Why do you want to be America’s Next Top Model?” - Mr. Jay

“Just…coz.” – Diana

And the final nail being hammered into the coffine cna be heard.

Whitney – Collegiate couple
Natasha – Hip-hop coupleNatasha’s studies paid off. She was the most convincing of them all. I had to remind myself that I was watching Natasha strut around, grabbing her crotch. She even came up with the idea to use foil from a packet of gum to make her own grill. Brilliant!

Bottom two: Whitney and Diana
Eliminated: Diana

1 comment:

Britni Anne said...

Is is just me, or does Brittany make an EXTREMELY sexy guy??