Wednesday, March 7, 2007

cycle 8: episodes 1 and 2

So, it’s the first week and I have already slacked. I hope you’ll forgive me. I’ve not felt the best the last few days. This will probably be brief. Yes, I know it’s Wednesday and a new episode comes on tonight. But sometimes life happens. Or life always happens…Whatever. Well, this ought to be interesting. Here goes.


In the two our season premiere of Cycle 8 the group was narrowed to 13 model finalists. Included in this group is Jaslene, who appeared on the Cycle 7 season premiere, but did not make the finals; Renee, a wife and stay-at-home mom; and Natasha, a know-it-all Russian immigrant. Also included are two plus size models. It’s about time I say. Acceptance of “plus size” women in the fashion industry must start from within. I think Tyra would like to take part in changing the standards. In past cycles she has made a push for the plus size girl. But, as she has said, she only gets one vote. Now that Janice Dickinson (who I love despite her stance against the plus size model) is no longer a judge maybe the “non-thin” girls could have a chance. A chance I think Twiggy and Nigel, and maybe even Ms. Jay, would give them when Janice and Nole’ Marin would not.

The girls take part in their first photo shoot, shot by ATNM judge, Nigel Barker. Each model is assigned a different opposing political view to represent in their photo.

This is when Sarah, a photographer, let me down. Upon first glance I thought she would rock. She has a great look. But her photo pretty much felt flat. I think she may have concentrated too much on showing her best angles and not enough on bringing out the mood of “anti-death penalty/prop-life in prison”.Kathleen seemed to be confused by the concept of “anti-fur“, later telling the judges that she was okay with fur made from animals that die of natural causes.Jael, an fervent pro-choice supporter, lacked the passion needed for her “pro-life” theme. It's a pretty picture, but the a deep devotion to a cause lacks in her expression.I thought Felica rocked her picture and looks a little Vivica A. Fox here.
Diana also disappointed me. She seems so full of self awareness and confidence. But, in front of the camera, didn’t really know how to use her body to make the shot amazing. I think she has it in her.I will not give up hope. Past seasons have shown the that girls are often still finding their footing the first week. Past winners have taken kind of “ehhh” pictures the first week. While girls who showed up strong at the beginning falter later in the season. It’s still anybody’s ball game, um, er, fashion show.The following day the girls participated in a runway challenge at a Goodwill store.They were given three minutes put together an ensemble from the store‘s racks. Their runway show was a charity auction and the girl whose outfit went for the highest bid won the challenge Jael was the winner.Renee likes to make excuses for herself by criticizing the other girls and saying things are not fair because they are “not really based on modeling. She took issue with the fact that Jael often shops at thrift stores and this gave her an unfair advantage. Okay, if you say so. Jael signed a huge fake check to Goodwill and received a make-over from Phillip Bloch, who most of the girls acted like they had never seen before. You want to work in the fashion industry and you don’t know the stylist with the Errol Flynn mustache? Really?Even after winning the challenge the judges were not happy with Jael’s photo and she and Kathleen ended up in the bottom two.

Bottom Two: Kathleen and Jael
Eliminated: Kathleen

While Kathleen brought about a certain entertainment value and “Oh girl, no you did’ent just say that,” I don’t know how many weeks of her Brooklyn-Quasi Rosie Perez accent I could have taken. “Oh Tyrrra! Yuurrr sooo boooteeefulllll!”

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