Friday, March 16, 2007

Cycle 8 Makeovers

A hair roller and pajama clad Tyra explains the make-over concepts to the models.

Jael - long and dark
Cassandra - thick and curly, “think afro”
Renee - short and sassy, “think Yoanna style”
Whitney - long and curly
Dianna - blonde and thicker
Brittany - red, long, and curly
Dionne - Short with a heavy bang like Kelis
Felicia - darker color with bangs
Sarah - darker and choppier
Natasha - a chocolate brown Vidal Sassoon inspired cut and bangs and angles
Jaslene - wavy with layers

After sitting in a salon chair for about eight hours having her hair and head pulled one way or the other Jael is told by Mr. Jay that he and Tyra discussed her hair. They do not feel it gives her the pop the other girls are achieving with their new looks. So, they are going to take out the extensions and give her a shorter haircut. I was taping the show because I knew I would be late getting home. And this is the point where I walked in. I could not figure out why Jael was in tears because she was the last one I expected to cry about her make-over. But when I heard about he 8-hours and the do-over I totally got it. We’ve all had those days when we’re tired and the frustration gets to us. It was most certainly the right decision. Jael has such a strong face and it doesn’t need to be hidden behind a mess of hair.These before pictures are atrocious. None of the girls look that bad. Most of these are like celebrity D.U.I. or drug possession mugshots.Cassandra’s hair. I love. Very flattering. Love, love, love it. Renee - it works for her and makes her look more glamourous. Whitney - it looks nice. But it’s not a big change. Not a lot of wow factor here.Dianna - see WhitneyBrittany - I love the color. But the hair just looks kinda a mess. I wouldn’t even be surprised if they took it out later and tried something else.Dionne - This cut really makes Dionne stand out for me. Love it.Felicia - When it’s fixed it looks amazing. When it’s not it looks piecey and greasy.Sarah - I’m really glad that they went darker. The color makes her features pop.Natasha - Wow. Natasha just still has really bad hair.Jaslene - nice. Makes her jaw look less severe.

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